Cloacal extrophy is a severe disruption of the urogenital tract resulting in a central extrophic bowel field flanked by two hemibladders (each having a urethral orifice). The bowel field has three or four orifices (anterior prolapsed terminal ileum resulting in an "elephant trunk" appearance; a distal orifice leading to a blind ending distal colon; one or two appendiceal orifices) (1).



Link to Pathogenesis








OEIS syndrome

Link to OEIS syndrome

  • Omphalocele (70-90%)
  • Exstrophy of the cloaca
  • Imperforated anus
  • Spinal abnormalities

Vertebral anomalies (46%)

  • Sacralization of L5
  • Congenital scoliosis
  • Sacral agenesis
  • Interpedicular widening

Upper urinary tract (42%)

  • Pelvic kidney
  • Horseshoe kidney
  • Hypoplastic kidney
  • Solitary kidney.


  • Malrotation (30%)
  • Double appendix (30%)
  • Absent appendix (21%)
  • Short small bowel (19%)
  • Small bowel atresia (5%)
  • Abdominal musculature deficiency (1%)


Central nervous system

Single umbilical artery








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